6 Cancer Signs to Ignore

6 Cancer Signs to Ignore

 6 Cancer Signs to Ignore

A disease like cancer has many symptoms, but do you know that there are many common symptoms that we ignore, if we pay attention to them in time, cancer can be treated in time.

In one of its articles, the British journal mentioned the six signs that indicate cancer in anybody.

Let's find out what are these signs that you should never ignore.

An unusual lump or swelling on a part of the body:

If you have a rash that you are constantly seeing on any part of your body and it does not go away, take it seriously.

A study on cancer warns that lumps or swelling around the neck, armpits, abdomen, chest, or breast can be a sign of cancer.

The UK's National Health Service advises that if you have a rash on your body that continues to grow, see a doctor immediately.

Weight loss:

Unintentional weight loss can also be a warning sign of cancer.

Although small weight changes are normal, Cancer Research warns that people who experience significant weight loss without trying should contact their doctor.

Cancer can cause weight loss for a variety of reasons.

For example, bowel cancer weight loss can be caused by the tumor because it makes you feel sick or bloated, which reduces your appetite.

Pain in parts of the body:

Body aches tell you something is wrong, according to Cancer Research, you should seek medical advice for any persistent body aches as they could be a sign of something more serious.

Pain can be a symptom of a tumor, for example, a persistent sore throat can indicate throat cancer and abdominal pain can be a sign of bowel cancer.

Bleeding or bruising:

Bleeding or bruising without injury can be a warning sign of cancer.

According to Cancer Research, blood in your stool or urine or even vomiting or coughing up blood are symptoms that appear in many types of cancer.


Feeling stressed all the time or having trouble sleeping or feeling more tired than usual is also a warning sign.

Internal bleeding of the tumor can cause fatigue as it can turn into anemia.

Abnormal night sweats:

According to Cancer Research, fever or heavy night, sweats can be a sign of an infection.

Sweating can also be a side effect of certain medications, but if you have profuse and drenching night sweats, you need to see a doctor.