Can AI technology cause harm? Know the answer of Bill Gates

Can AI technology cause harm? Know the answer of Bill Gates

The rapid spread of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has raised concerns from some quarters that it could harm humans.

Now Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has responded in this regard.

During an interview, Bill Gates expressed concerns about the pace of development of AI technology, but in his opinion, it would not be right to stop the work of further improving the new technology.

Bill Gates said that he believes that AI is a game-changing technology and its impact on the future will be very significant. The chatbot was introduced.

It turned out to be the fastest-growing app in history, reaching 100 million monthly users in just 2 months.

In fact, in terms of popularity, ChatGPT has overtaken TikTok, Instagram, and other apps.

Bill Gates said that we all fear that bad actors can gain access to this technology, but work on it must continue.

Many people, including Elon Musk, have called for a halt to work on AI technology.

Bill Gates disagreed with this demand and said that you can stop good people but it is not possible to stop everyone, which will only harm us.

He expressed the fear that bad people's access to this technology could have negative effects, but he said that governments and regulators should play a role in this regard.

He added that AI technology has surprised us with its capabilities and will transform many industries.

Bill Gates believes that the positive effects of AI technology will outweigh the negative ones. The co-founder of Microsoft praised ChatGPT software, saying that its new version is better than before.

This is not the first time Bill Gates has expressed his enthusiasm for AI technology.

During a conference speech in April, Bill Gates predicted that within a year and a half, AI chatbots would be helping children read and write.

He said that AI chatbots will prove to be as good a teacher as a human beings.

In a March 2023 blog post, Bill Gates called AI technology as important as microprocessors, personal computers, the Internet, and mobile phones.

On this occasion, he said that this technology will change the way people work, learn, travel, receive medical care, and interact with each other.

Bill Gates called on governments around the world to work with the technology industry to limit the risks associated with AI.