The 25 most popular passwords that should be changed immediately
accessible passwords 

 The 25 most popular passwords that should be changed immediately

World Password Day is celebrated on the first Thursday of May every year, to raise awareness about better security of online accounts.
The best way to do this is to have passwords for your online accounts that are nearly impossible to hack.

But millions of people around the world still choose passwords for their accounts that are easy for even a child to guess.

Every year, password manager company WordPress compiles a list of the most popular or worst passwords that can be hacked in seconds.

It takes hackers barely one to 10 seconds to guess the world's weakest passwords.

This list was compiled by the company after examining the leaked data of millions of accounts.

Overall this is a list based on 200 passwords but you can see the 20 worst or most popular passwords below.

According to this list, password is the most popular password and it takes hackers less than a second to guess it.

Similarly, 123456 stood second while 123456789 stood third.

Guest came 4th while qwerty came 5th.

12345678, 111111, 12345, col123456, and 123123 were ranked as the 6th to 10th most popular passwords respectively.

1234567 in 11th, 1234 in 12th, 1234567890 in 13th, 000000 in 14th, 555555 in 15th, 666666 in 16th, 123321 in 17th, 654321 in 18th, 7777777 in 19th and 123 all out in the 20th over proved to be the most popular passwords. By the way, technology companies are working a lot on password alternatives, but the availability of such technologies is not possible for some time.