What happens inside the brain at the time of death? A new discovery by scientists
new discoveries 

What happens inside the brain at the time of death? A discovery by scientists

Some people coming from death to life see a light at the end of a dark tunnel, some sense the presence of their loved ones or see their body floating in the air.

These are the experiences described by such patients.

But now scientists have revealed what is happening inside the brain at the time of death. Research from the University of Michigan, USA, discovered that 'conscious brain activity' is activated in the brain of dying patients.

The researchers said that what happens in the brain during death was not clear until now.

The study used data from 4 patients who died in the hospital. At the time of death, the brain was monitored using an EEG machine.

All four patients were comatose and inoperable, after which life support was withdrawn with the permission of their families, after which they died.

The researchers analyzed data on the brain activity of these patients from immediately after life support was removed until death.

The results showed that when the ventilator was removed, 2 patients had an increased heart rate and increased gamma wave activity in the brain.  The research suggested that internally these patients were 'awakened'.

These activities were observed in the part of the brain associated with conscious brain activity.

This area is also thought to be the center of dreams and other mental states. The other 2 patients did not have an increased heart rate or brain activity.

The researchers said that it is impossible to say anything definitively, it may be that the consciousness of these patients has been activated and memories of the past have emerged, or it may be a protective mechanism of the brain, but we don't know yet. Know.