Never Was a Playboy: Javed Sheikh


Never Was a Playboy: Javed Sheikh

Pakistan's senior actor Javed Sheikh says that he has never been a playboy.

Recently, during a digital interview, the host asked Javed Shaikh that he is often asked what is his opinion on whether he was or is a playboy.

In response, Javed Sheikh said that a playboy is with one woman today and another woman tomorrow, sometimes he cheats on someone and sometimes someone but I am a person who lives with one woman, in my life such Circumstances came due to which I connected with many people but all these were decisions of nature. He said that I have worked with 10 thousand girls in the film and TV industry but no girl can say, Javed. Sheikh has teased me, taken my number, or asked me for dinner, I never did that.

In response to a question, Javed Sheikh said that a person can love many times, my time with Neely was the best, she is an excellent woman, I never hide my relationship because I am not afraid.