Common mistakes that damage your AC quickly

Common mistakes that damage your AC quickly

With the increase in temperature, the use of air conditioners (AC) also increases.

Now every year due to climate change new records of temperature rise are being set and that is why using AC to protect oneself from harmful effects is becoming common.

But AC is a very expensive machine and buying it repeatedly is not something that everyone can afford.

But did you know that some of your common habits can shorten the life of the AC? Yes, indeed most people make mistakes that harm the performance, efficiency, and condition of the AC.

Frequent temperature changes
The most difficult part of AC system operation is starting and stopping.

If you change the thermostat temperature settings frequently, the AC turns on and off more often, which increases the risk of premature breakdown of the air conditioner.

Do not change the air filter
AC air filters work to clean the cold air entering the room.

If the air filters are dirty or clogged, it restricts the airflow and the AC has to work harder to maintain the room temperature. This not only increases the electricity bill but also damages the machine. Maybe its life is shortened.

So make it a habit to change the AC filter every few months.

Keep the temperature very low
If you think that keeping the temperature low can cool the room faster or save on the electricity bill, know that it doesn't.

This habit results in the AC system having to work harder, which increases the electricity bill while also increasing the risk of its breakdown.

Don't forget to repair the AC system
When was the last time you had your AC system checked or serviced? If the answer to this question is not known, it means that you are not paying attention to the maintenance of the AC. At least once or twice a year AC maintenance is very important. Defects occur over time.

Blocking airflow
If the AC is located near furniture, curtains, or other objects, it can affect the airflow.

Therefore, it is important to install the AC in a place where there is no obstruction in front of it, the airflow can stop the machine quickly. Do not take into account the volume of the room.
Current generation ACs are more effective when installed considering the size of the room or house.

If an AC is installed that has a high cooling load, it cools the room quickly and shuts down quickly. Repeated switching on and off of the AC wastes a lot of power and increases the risk of malfunctioning. Is.

On the contrary, if a small AC is installed in a large room, it has to work harder, which also increases the electricity bill while it breaks down quickly.