Pakistan has become worse than Sri Lanka?
Pakistan VS Sri Lanka 

 Pakistan has become worse than Sri Lanka?

Pakistan's economy has become worse than Sri Lanka, but our battles and our politics are not ending. According to the Sri Lanka e report of the American magazine Bloomberg, Pakistan has surpassed Sri Lanka in inflation.

According to the report, not only the rate of inflation in Pakistan is the highest in Asia, but Pakistan's currency is weaker than Sri Lanka and food items are also more expensive than the country that has defaulted and whose examples our rulers are repeatedly saying. That we will not allow Pakistan to become Sri Lanka and that Pakistan will not default.

  The report also stated that the rate of inflation in Pakistan is the highest since 1964, which means that inflation has broken a 58-year record. In other words, the economic conditions of Pakistan have become so bad even before the default that we have left behind even Sri Lanka. It should be remembered that a deal with the IMF has not yet been reached. No one knows when this deal will happen.

  The government has said many times that it has completed the terms of the IMF, but the deal is still not happening and new conditions are emerging. Now it is being said that the IMF is eyeing the preparation of next year's budget and wants the next budget to be on its terms.

As if the situation regarding the IMF deal is still in limbo and if Pakistan defaults by the will of God, then imagine how alarming our situation could be. Inflation, which has already increased a lot, and the condition of the people has become very bad, in case of default, how can the situation happen here, one gets scared. When she came to power, she completely failed to manage the economy and the inflation rate increased much more than during Tehreek-e-Insaaf.

  It was thought that the talks between the government and Tehreek-e-Insaaf on the instructions of the Supreme Court would lead to better results, but unfortunately, it has not happened yet. Tehreek-e-Insaf is not willing to wait till September-October if the ruling party is not ready to hold elections soon.

  This political conflict is a power struggle and the sad point is that the politicians in the name of the people and Pakistan do not care about the economy. The whole world is saying that everyone should make a pact on the economy, and stay away from politics on it, but these two sides have never sat together for the sake of the economy. If they are sitting, for the date of the election, that is, one party wants to cling to the power in any condition, while the other is in the process of ousting him and wants to sit on the seat of power as soon as possible. The government coalition and especially the PML-N is trying to announce some kind of relief for the people by presenting the next year's budget.

  Tehreek-e-Insaf does not want the current government to present the next year's budget. Imran Khan and his colleagues are in danger that the government may present a budget to appease its voters for the sake of the next election, which is against the terms of the IMF and which will cause the next government to fail. Difficulties are only difficulties. Tehreek-e-Insaf hopes that they will be the government in the future, which is why they are demanding that the budget be prepared with the advice of the IMF.

  Tehreek-e-Insaf is probably afraid that PDM will not do with it what Imran Khan's government did a few weeks before the end of its government by violating the IMF agreement by giving cheap petrol and diesel to the people. what was done

  If PDM and PML-N do what Tehreek-e-Insaf did last year, it will be a great injustice to Pakistan, it will be an abuse of the people. Instead of thinking of taking revenge on each other, I request the government and Tehreek-e-Insaaf to prepare the next year's budget together for Pakistan, to save the country from default, and to provide solid foundations for the economy.