What color clothes make you a mosquito magnet?

What color clothes make you a mosquito magnet?

Mosquitoes are considered to be the world's deadliest creatures as they cause millions of deaths every year due to the diseases they spread.

Well, mosquitoes can attack anyone, but some elements play an important role in attracting these insects. One of them is the color of your clothes.

Yes, the color of clothing can make you a mosquito magnet.

Along with clothing, blood group, sweat, and breath also play a role in making a person a magnet for mosquitoes. Pulls more to the side.

This study examined yellow fever mosquitoes because they belong to one of the most common species.

Research has discovered that certain colors attract mosquitoes. According to research, mosquitoes are more attracted to dark colors and there are a few reasons for this.

Darker colors absorb more heat and help mosquitoes identify their prey.

Also, dark colors are more prominent and are easily seen by mosquitoes. Researchers said that mosquitoes are more likely to bite people wearing orange, red, reddish-orange, and dark blue clothing.

However, he said that along with colors, carbon dioxide is also important.

That is, mosquitoes gravitate toward darker colors when they recognize carbon dioxide, and each exhales this gas. Reddish-orange colors attract mosquitoes because mosquitoes are attracted to humans. Skin color also looks similar.

During the research, it was also reported about colors that mosquitoes ignore.

According to the researchers, people wearing light colors such as white, green, and blue usually do not attract the attention of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes perceive light colors as a threat and that is why they avoid biting in sunlight and are more active in the dark, because sunlight threatens to kill them, which is why Light colors are perceived as dangerous. Wearing light-colored clothing can help ward off mosquitoes to some extent, but factors such as carbon dioxide, body heat,,, and sweat can attract mosquitoes to you, the researchers added.

However, if you are standing next to a person wearing dark-colored clothes, mosquitoes will prefer to bite him instead of you.