Facts about asthma that are not true

Facts about asthma that are not true

 Facts about asthma that are not true.

Asthma is a respiratory disease that affects the human lungs.

There are many rumors in society about this disease that need to be known. Asthma is the name of an allergy that anyone can suffer from but it is not a life-threatening disease, now it is also important to know what asthma is. Does the thing happen? Asthma can be caused by anything.

  For example, flowers can trigger asthma and environmental pollution is also a cause, while many people can also trigger asthma from animals.

Asthma Symptoms:

Asthma symptoms include nervousness, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing at night or in the morning.

A patient with asthma cannot participate in sports activities:

Asthma patients are supposed to stay away from sports activities and physical exercise so that they don't get short of breath and have an asthma attack, but experts have said that exercise is also good for asthma patients. It is necessary.

According to research, patients who participate in physical activity are two and a half times more likely to avoid an asthma attack than those who do not exercise.

The inhaler is addictive and the patient should stop using it:

It is very common in society the patient becomes addicted to the inhaler, but experts have declared inhaler as the best therapy for asthma patients because it goes into our lungs and gives immediate relief from the pain, while medicines are so effective in providing relief. Not useful.

Asthma fades with age:

According to the World Health Organization, asthma cannot be eliminated, but it can be controlled with a timely diagnosis.

According to experts, asthma in children can be eliminated even if it is not serious, because when children grow up, their lungs also grow, so it can be controlled.

Asthma medications should be stopped during pregnancy for pregnant women:

According to experts, the use of an inhaler during pregnancy is very safe for asthmatic women, in addition, inhaler therapy is safe during labor and breastfeeding, which does not have any negative effect on the child and mother.