The Apple company, Apple new updates, apple latest updates, I phone new updates,  I phone latest updates
Apple new updates 

If a digital device such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet is marked with I at the beginning of its name, it means that the Apple company manufactures itthe Apple company manufactures itthe Apple company manufactures it.

Even if a person does not have an iPhone, his name is known.

But the question is, what does the word "i" mean in the iPhone?

The answer was given by Steve Jobs, who introduced the iMac computer in 1998.

Presenting this computer, Steve Jobs said that he mean the internet, but that is not the only meaning.

He had said on the occasion that we want to tell people that this is the computer which has internet facility.

However, he said that I not only stands for Internet but also stands for 4 more words.

These words are individual, instruct, inform and inspire.

Steve Jobs said that we are a personal computer company and although this device is for the Internet, it can also be used for education and instruction.

He added that we expect to be inspired by this to develop better devices in the future.

Apple made better devices in the future.

In 2007, while introducing the first iPhone, he said that this phone would have the opportunity to use the Internet.

But keep in mind that the purpose of using I in every device is to assure users that they are using a device manufactured by Apple and not just using I to access the internet.

For example, when the first iPod was introduced in 2001, it did not have the option to access the Internet.