What is inside the moon? Scientists found out

What is inside the moon? Scientists found out

 What is inside the moon? Scientists found out

What is inside the surface of the moon or what is it made of? The inner surface of the Moon is like a solid ball with a density similar to that of iron.

This was revealed in a new study.

Seismic data is used to learn about the inner surfaces of the planets and moons of the solar system.

Seismic waves provide an opportunity to learn about the material inside a planet or moon and create a detailed map of the interior.

Whether the inner surface of the Moon is solid or liquid is debated, and to find out the answer to this question, researchers from France's National Center for Scientific Research collected data from space missions and laser experiments on the Moon.

They then modeled different types of internal surfaces and then compared them to the data.

The results are quite revealing and provide solid internal-level evidence.

The results confirm that the interior of the Moon is similar to Earth and that this has influenced the evolution of the Moon, the researchers said.

The density of this surface is 7822 kg/m3 which is similar to the density of iron.

They also discovered that there is a fluid layer beneath the moon's surface that then provides access to the solid interior.